Friday, December 5, 2008

Vocab Poem

I close my eyes to the orotund voice resonating from the corner of the room. As my attention began to divaricate, questions began to mount. How did I get here? What are you plans? Where am I going? How are you going to get there? Why don't you do something? Questions attempting to irradiate my future only makes me extremely irascible. My face becomes florid and tepid from my anger and embarrassment from my lack of answers. Even though I fight and larrup, I can not escape this place for hours. The apparitions harbingers of what these hours would hold. The endless possibilities, the two ever haunting words, what if. Is fate fictile or always set in time? No one knows. I try to reason with my friends, but that is impossible for they are not here. Only my doubts exist here. Then in the distant I hear a noise and it increases with time. I open my eyes as my ritual reveille alerts me to the start of a new day.

Reveille-n., a signal to arise
Irascible-adj., easily provoked to anger, very irritable
Irradiate-v., to shed rays of light upon; illuminate
Orotund-adj., (of the voice or speech) characterized by strength, fullness, richness, and clearness
Apparition-n., ghost
Divaricate-v., to spread apart; branch; diverge
Fictile-adj., capable of being molded
Florid-adj., reddish; ruddy; rosy
Larrup-v., to beat or thrash
Tepid-adj., moderately warm; lukewarm

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

very cool words. they are linked together as if to form a new language. it is like the language of an intelligent clock in a dream. i like it. elmeer