Thursday, October 30, 2008


I found my Juliet,
but she hears not what I speak.
She hath taken my heart,
Which I hath offered.
Now this I realize,
Thy heart lies with a strumpet.
Love is a broken word
Here in this prison.
All that exists, sense and sex,
Eroding our nobility.
Everyone exactly the same,
Just different faces.
How can a man be a man
When he has no honor?
How can a woman be a lady
When they are promiscuous
In every sense of the word?
Thou cannot be
When thou hath sold thou souls.
Thou forfeit vindication.
Our demons, our Beelzebub,
Lives amongst us,
The opiate of the masses.
The beloved soma.
I hate it,
Like I hate this place.
I am trapped, caged,
With each moment, It infects
Each day the taint grows.
The nature of bad news infects the teller,
It eats the sword it fights with.
O! How I have betrayed myself.
Heaven me such uses send,
Not to pick bad from bad, but by bad mend.
And by bad will I mend.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


When does a man cross the line?
A man touches the foulness of humanity,
Those words once uttered cripple.
Like the Aegean Beauty's Box,
The filth released won't be contained.
The wounds inflicted never heal,
Those scars mar for eternity.

Checking the Beauty's Box,
Nothing remains, not that slight glimmer.
For that wish to return to the past,
All hope is gone.